This page is very officially a work in progress:
Beau: MWSD term for person located on the left at a given moment
Belle: MWSD term for person located on the right at a given moment
Bottom or Down: In set dancing, the part of the dance hall opposite where the caller or music is located. It is the bottom of the hall, you go down towards it.
Follow: In couples dancing, the person who is taking the passive role, being led through whatever moves are chosen for the dance
Gent: General set dancing term for person on the left of the dance when facing the top of the hall
Lady: General set dancing term for person on the right of the dance when facing the top of the hall.
Lead: In couples dancing, the person who is taking the active role, choosing what moves to use for the dance and leading their partner.
MWSD: Modern Western Square Dance
SCD: Scottish Country Dance
Set Dancing: A dance comprised of sets of couples, who engage in various moves as declared by a caller or by a scripted dance. Most commonly done in sets of one couple behind another or four couples arranged in a square.
Top or Up: In set dancing, the part of the dance hall where the caller or music is located. It is the top of the hall, you go up the hall towards it.